Hi this is Chiaki!
Today is very long day, too!!!
We've veeeeeery long day!!!
In the morning, we went to St.Jacobs!
And everyone bought maple syrop, maple butter, fruits tea and so on!!!
There is a lot of things!
For example, fresh vegitables, flowers, backpacks CDs..........
Anyway, there is very lively!!

There is coach, but there is not enough time, so I can't get into coach....
In the afternoon, some students went to Toronto again! xD
First, I went to big book store,"World biggest book store", actually, the book store is big, but I suppose "Kinokuniya" in Shinjuku is bigger than that lol
After I got map in the book store, I went HMV :p
I bought Susan Boyle's CD for my mother and ABBA's CD for my father!!
After that, I went a lot of place!
First, I went New City Hall and Old City Hall!

And I walked to Queen palace!

And next, I walked around China town!
It's huge China town! And I can use Chinese, so I'm very happy lol
Not only those, but also I went to many place!
Walking alone is a lot of fun!!
After walking around Toronto, I eat "the Last Supper" in Canada!
There is some trouble, but it is delicious!
I suppose walking around Tronto alone and take dinner alone, it is veeeeeeeryyyy goooooood experience!!!!
My English skil is poor, but I can went sightseeing alone!
It is looooooooooooooooooong day, and I'm packing my things............
We'll leave here tomorrow..... Actually, today lol
My room getting more and more crean, and I feel sad!
I don't want leave Waterloo.......................................
Anyway I'll leave here in 6 hours.....
I'm veeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy sad..............
I don't want to leave here.........
But I have to go laundry room and do last washing!
And I have to pack my things....
See you soon!